Training & Events
Find lectures, training opportunities, and events for members of the Center for Modular Manufacturing of Structural Tissues (CM2oST).
Meetings & Conferences

- There are no upcoming events.
The National Center for Regenerative Medicine’s training and education initiatives strive to build a specially trained workforce for the regenerative medicine industry. With the cooperation of our founding institutions, academic and corporate collaborators, NCRM offers unique training and education programs to support the development of future scientists and physician-scientists. NCRM’s staff also participates in education programs for the general public.
The RGME program at Case Western Reserve University is the first two-year master’s-level program in Ohio focused on Regenerative Medicine and Entrepreneurship. Students enrolled in the RGME program will have access to cutting-edge clinical and research facilities along with small biotechnology companies within the network of the National Center for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM).
The ENGAGE summer program is a 10-week internship, organized by the NCRM, for undergraduate and medical students to gain direct, real-world experience in a functioning lab setting. ENGAGE promotes and supports students’ participation in research and creative projects in the study of stem cells and regenerative medicine.
Seminars & Courses
Department Seminars at CWRU
Unless otherwise specified, all SRC seminars will take place Monday from 4–5 p.m. in Millis 108. Light refreshments will be served.
The SRC seminar series will resume in the Fall of 2021, COVID permitting. Schedule coming soon!
Short Courses Sponsored by the Center
This course focuses on these cell-based therapies with emphasis on the new basic principles of Tissue Engineering and the detailed information and protocols for accomplishing these therapies. This course is intended for graduate students, post-graduate students, and health science professionals who are interested in Tissue Engineering with emphasis on the principles and detailed protocols used or being modeled for direct clinical use.
The course involves morning lectures by eminent scholars, and afternoon laboratories and lectures on the “how to” of cell culture and cell-scaffold interactions. These visual laboratories provide insight into the complex, multi-step technologies of today and tomorrow and provide the basis for standardizing cell-based technologies between various laboratories throughout the world.
May 23 – May, 25, 2023
2023 program coming soon, click here to view the 2022 program
THE 2022 MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dates for the 2023 meeting will be announced soon!
A new certification course offered by our NCRM colleagues in collaboration with Rutgers‘ NIH Training Grant “Translational Research in Regenerative Medicine” and will run for 30 weeks (15 weeks per semester). This global initiative, will link stem cell and regenerative medicine centers, investigators, and students around the world to provide first-class educational and research opportunities. Consortium members will work together to:
- Develop strong educational and research programs.
- Facilitate the introduction of students and other colleagues to the field.
- Provide an enabling platform for collaborative development in the areas of stem cell and regenerative medicine.
RENEW will be internet-based, which will enable presentations from participating institutions around the world.
The topics include fundamental stem cell biology, stem cell isolation, “dry lab technology,” specific preclinical applications, as well as such common issues in the field as signal transduction, cell proliferation, differentiation, assays in phenotypes, preclinical animal models, clinical trial design and regulatory issues.
Edheads is an online educational resource that provides free science and math games and activities that promote critical thinking. Edheads partners with corporations, universities, and school systems throughout the United States, Edheads has been recognized by almost every major award on the Web for excellent educational content.
Short Courses at Affiliated Institutions
Regenerative Medicine Essentials: From the Fundamentals to the Future
The course covers nine major themes combining lectures, demonstrations and tours. It will include three half-day hands-on workshops focused on 3D Printing Technologies; Organoid/Body-on-a-Chip Engineering (with microfluidics, hydrogels, ECM and cell components); and an Intro to Translation workshop incorporating cGMP/GTP cell processing. Throughout the one-week course, taught by prominent experts, attendees gain a foundation in this exciting field.
June 5th to 8th, 2023
Winston-Salem, NC, and Virtual
30th Annual Short Course
August 9-12, 2023
Rice University, Houston, TX
Register for this virtual meeting
THE 2022 MEETING WAS CANCELLED due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dates for the 2023 meeting will be announced soon!